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Digital economy

Using digital technology to transform small business success

The digital economy can open up new possibilities and better ways of doing things in your business.

The digital economy is the global activity - production, marketing and selling of goods and services – being transformed by digital technology.

Your business and customers are already part of the digital economy when you use everyday technology like the internet and mobile devices.

Digital technology is a key ingredient to small business success, driving innovation, competitiveness, growth, and jobs.

It can support your business to be agile and adapt quickly to changes in the market or customers’ behaviour, find new customers, and make sales more easily, streamline your processes, free up your time and increase your profits.

South Australia’s digital economy is woven into our traditional economy, but the boundaries are blurring as our high-tech precincts generate new digital technologies which are adopted by local businesses and industries.

You can tap into South Australia’s digital innovation to find solutions for your business. Find out how by exploring our future industries.

Every small business from every industry and sector can benefit from using digital tools including:

  • software to keep track of your transactions
  • social media to promote your product or services to a global audience
  • e-invoicing to save you time and money and improve your record-keeping
  • e-Commerce website making sales 24/7.

Entrepreneurs can leverage digital tools to set up a new venture quickly at low cost and low risk, develop innovative new products and services and find a global market for them through online marketplaces.

Your business may already be reaping the benefits of the digital economy. Many South Australian businesses pivoted to the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic by adopting new technology to reach customers, support employees to work remotely and keep their business going.

The digital economy will continue to shape the expectations of customers and how businesses’ respond.

You can get in on the competition and set your business up for the future by taking advantage of digital technology.

Support is available to help your business get the benefit of digital tools for sales, service and marketing.

The Australian Government’s Digital Economy Strategy aims for Australia to be a leading digital economy and society by 2030.

The strategy also includes a target for all new businesses to be ‘born’ digital and 95% of SMEs using e-commerce tools.

The Digital Solutions Program has been established to help small business use digital tools to improve their operations.

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