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Mentally healthy workplaces

Creating a healthy, safe and thriving workplace

Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of your employees brings out their best and carries enormous benefits for your business.

Businesses that prioritise mental health and wellbeing:

  • benefit from increased productivity, with workers recording fewer sick days and performing better
  • attract and retain staff
  • result in fewer compensation claims – and they meet their legal responsibilities

Many work-related mental health injuries can be avoided or reduced by good business management. That can include managing staff workloads and providing support, open and respectful communication with and between staff, clear complaint and grievance procedures, and a culture that does not tolerate inappropriate behaviours like harassment and bullying.

Tips for building a mentally healthy workplace

  • Identify, reduce and eliminate mental health safety risks
  • Develop and promote workplace policies and practices that support positive mental health
  • Support workers returning after a physical or psychological injury
  • Promote and model looking after yourself and work-life balance
  • Recognise when you or your workers are not coping and find support
  • Encourage and model open and respectful communication
  • Provide education resources on mental health and safety
Healthy workplaces service

Access the Healthy Workplaces Service

The Healthy Workplaces Service is a free service designed to help you navigate your workplaces’ health and wellbeing journey.
Heads up

Beyond Blue’s Heads Up platform

A central source of information, tools and resources to better mental health in your workplace.
Woman on headset answering a call

Mentally Healthy Workplaces during COVID-19

The National Mental Health Commission provides a guide for small businesses to assist in creating mentally healthy workplaces.
Healthy workplaces tools resources

Healthy Workplaces tools and resources

Access tools and resources developed to help SA businesses create healthy workplaces.
Man behind desk on computer smiling

Ahead for Business

Helps small business owners take action on their mental health and wellbeing through personalised resources and tools tailored to their specific needs.
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Empowers people to start meaningful conversations and lend support.

Mental health support

If you are concerned about yourself or an employee, help is available. Access support through one of these free and confidential organisations:

  • Lifeline Australia provides 24/7 telephone crisis support and counselling 13 11 14 or the Lifeline Crisis Support Chat is available 7pm to midnight.
  • Beyond Blue offers crisis support via phone call, online chat or email. All calls and chats are one-on-one with a trained mental health professional, and completely confidential. Call 1300 224 636 or go to the beyondblue online chat support service 3pm to midnight.
  • Suicide Call Back Service nationwide service that provides free telephone, video and online counselling 24/7. Call 1300 659 467 or go to Suicide Call Back Service online chat and video counselling.
  • Mental Health Triage Service provides 24/7assistance in a mental health emergency. Call 13 14 65.
  • MensLine Australia provides 24/7 telephone and online support, information and referral service for men. Call 1300 78 99 78 or access the online or video chat.
  • National Debt Helpline offers free financial counselling advice for financial hardship. Call 1800 007 007 or via online live chat.
  • Counselling Online provides 24/7 support for anyone affected by alcohol and other drugs. Call 1300 131 340.
  • Gambling Help Online offers 24/7 support for anyone affected by alcohol and other drugs. Call 1800 858 858
  • Kids Helpline provides counselling for young people under 25 years. Call 1800 55 1800, email or access their WebChat.
  • headspace Australia, telephone (1800 650 890) and web chat for young people aged 12 to 25 years.
  • QLife is a counselling service for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and/or intersex (LGBTI) communities. Call 1800 184 527 or access their online chat.
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