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Doing business in South Australia

Unlocking opportunities for businesses to start up and grow

South Australia – welcoming, open, buzzing with opportunity – it’s good for your business.

If you’re seeking to set up or grow your business, SA is the perfect base, with pro-business policies, highly competitive operating costs, great infrastructure and a dynamic technology scene ready to help you innovate. We’re hungry for economic growth and dedicated to supporting businesses to flourish.

Our workforce is highly educated and skilled and our world-class universities are delivering a pipeline of new graduates eager to bring their talents to your business.

We’re one of the most cost-competitive states in Australia, with labour costs around 10 per cent below the national average.

Export is one of the biggest ways to grow your business and SA has well-established connections with national and global markets, including Asia, and we’re rebuilding trade links with lucrative UK and European markets post-Brexit.

Our tech scene is flourishing, with multiple cutting-edge research and development precincts, supported by a fast and reliable 10 gigabit network, delivering innovation that filters through every industry.

Lucrative collaborations are being led by our top-ranked universities, our growing defence sector working on a $90 billion pipeline of projects and our innovation precinct Lot Fourteen, which hosts the Australian Space Agency, the Australian Institute for Machine Learning, and global giants Google and Amazon.

Panoramic view of Adelaide

We recognise that our small businesses power our economy and we’re committed to helping you leverage our tech boom to grow. Along with government incentives and support, South Australia’s small businesses now have the Industry Advocate on your side, to help you claim a bigger slice of state government contracts.

SA is the perfect setting to start your business - and live your life. Our pro-business outlook is coupled with the lifestyle factors people are craving - Australia’s most liveable city, safe, affordable and great culture, food and wine.

This is an exciting time in South Australia to start a new venture or upscale an established one.

We welcome your business, and we can help you start and grow it.

The conditions are right. It’s time to dive in.

Woman in her workplace smiling

Migration to SA

South Australia welcomes the opportunity to work with business migrants to guide you through the process of establishing your business and settling in SA.
Man behind desk on computer smiling

Industry Advocate

South Australia established the Industry Advocate to help more local small businesses grow their enterprise by claiming a bigger slice of government work.
Woman and man business owners standing in front of their shop

Growing our economy

It’s a great time to do business in South Australia. We are dedicated to growing our economy to create more jobs and investment in our state and unlock economic opportunities by supporting local businesses to start up and grow.
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