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Small Business Support Officers

One-on-one support for small and family business owners across South Australia

Access dedicated support to help you get on with business.

If you're a small business owner, you can now access one-on-one support through a dedicated Small Business Support Officer in your region.

Available across metropolitan and regional South Australia, Small Business Support Officers will provide a tailored service to equip you with information, support and resources to start, run or grow your business.

Your Small Business Support Officer can help you do things like:

  • Navigate government support services
  • Connect with resources within your local area
  • Talk through available grants and funding
  • Uncover tools and resources that help your day-to-day.

Having access to a Small Business Support Officer means you will receive consistent support from someone who understand the unique challenges and opportunities of your region.

They will also be able to listen to any concerns from the business community and ensure they're provided back to government to inform the development of future programs and initiatives.

Find your zone and connect with us

There are six zones across South Australia, each with a dedicated Small Business Support Officer. Find your zone here and contact the Office for Small and Family Business team to be connected to your representative.

Announcements and practical advice straight to your mailbox.

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