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Mental Health and Wellbeing Program

Support for business owners and their employees to build resilience and cope with mental health challenges and stressors.

Small and Family Business Support

South Australian small business owners can access mental health and wellbeing support for themselves and their employees at low or no cost.

Aiming to increase resilience and capability to cope with mental health challenges, this program offers a range of support activities, including masterclasses, education and training sessions, workshops, one-on-one support, psychologist-led skills sessions, webinars, e-learning, and online tools and resources.

Five organisations with demonstrated experience with evidence-based mental health support have been selected as program partners and will be delivering highly targeted offerings for small business owners.

Program Delivery Partners

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Be Well Co

An entity of the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI), BeWellCo supports people to build their mental health and wellbeing through education, mental health literacy, and practical activities. Be Well Co offers free masterclasses, workshops and online tools for business owners and their employees.
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Small business owners and their employees can register for Mindarma’s free program, which includes a calendar of webinar events, access to the online learning platform and resources. The webinars include psychologist-led skills sessions and other restorative practices.
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Regional Development Australia – Murraylands and Riverland

Free, one-on-one mental health support sessions for small business owners in the Murraylands and Riverland regions – acknowledging that these communities are still recovering from the personal and business impacts of the 2022-23 River Murray flood.
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IGNITE Wellbeing Co

Designed to empower small businesses to support employees experiencing mental health challenges, the IGNITE Wellbeing Mastermind Program (WMP) fosters resilience through a series of engaging workshops, practical mental health training, and online sessions.

RISE - Building and Construction Support Program

The South Australian Government has partnered with the Master Builders Association of South Australian (MBA SA) to deliver a bespoke mental health support program for the construction industry – RISE.

RISE aims to reduce the prevalence of mental illness in the construction industry, where many small business owners and subcontractors report issues like poor work-life balance and financial stress.

Delivered through a $150,000 grant, RISE matches business owners and workers with Wellness Ambassadors to help participants navigate common pressures associated with working in construction.

Ambassadors are equipped with Mental Health First Aid Training to ensure they are well prepared to provide early intervention, support, and referrals to other services as required.

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Avoiding burnout as a small business owner

Running a small business can be rewarding, but the entrepreneurial journey can be tough, with long hours, stress and challenges. We share strategies to help you look after your business and your mental health.

Resources available now

Healthy Workplaces Service

Access tools and resources developed to help SA businesses create healthy workplaces.

Read more

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Information to help you take steps to boost your mental health and maintain a healthy workplace.

Read more
OSFB Small Business Strategy MOCK min

Read South Australia's Small Business Strategy 2023-2030

The Mental Health and Wellbeing program has been developed along with 19 other initiatives to support Small Businesses in South Australian grow and succeed, as part of South Australia's Small Business Strategy 2023 - 2030.

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