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Exports and Imports

Expanding your customer network by thinking globally

Exporting and importing are two strategies for expanding your business.


Exporting allows South Australian businesses to compete on a global scale.

Digital technology like the internet and eCommerce, as well as free trade agreements and support from state and federal governments are paving the way for you to sell your products and services to the world.

Exporting can grow your sales, increase profits, create more jobs and diversify your customer base, so your business is more resilient and competitive.

Exposure to international markets can reinvigorate your business by expanding your network of suppliers, partners, and customers, and providing fresh ideas on processes.

If your business is ready to expand through export, but you're not sure where to start, plenty of support is available. State and federal export agencies run training programs and provide grants and there are South Australian experts ready to help.

For more information go to Export from South Australia.

Many tools and guides available to help you decide if exporting is right for your business.

Before you start, consider:

  • Export benefits and risks
  • Your export strategy
  • Your export markets
  • Buyers and partners
  • Laws and regulations
  • Pricing, costs and finance
  • Contracts and shipping

Learn more at Austrade export services.

Support for exporters

The Australian Government is supporting Australian exporters to continue business operations during COVID-19 though a couple of programs:


Importing can help your business grow by providing a competitive edge in helping customers access products they can’t find locally.

You can lead the way in your industry and increase your customers base by beating your competitors to import new products not yet available in Australia.

For manufacturers, importing can help you reduce your costs by accessing higher quality, cheaper products and raw materials.

To ensure your importing is successful, be aware of government regulations, including any clearances by the Australian Government and additional taxes.

Some products cannot be imported into Australia to protect local businesses and the environment.

Find more information about restricted products at Australian Border Force.

Go to Australian Biosecurity Import Conditions (BICON) to search for specific products.

Find more information about importing from the Australian Government’s business website.

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