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Changes to close contact and isolation rules

Changes to close contact and isolation rules

Last Friday, the South Australian Premier announced changes to the definitions of close contacts, quarantine requirements, and mask rules.

The latest changes, effective from 12:01am Saturday 26 March, include:

  • Increasing the definition of a close contact interaction from 15 minutes to four hours (face-to-face unmasked interaction with a positive case, or household contact).
  • Reducing the quarantine periods for household close contacts from 14 to seven days, subject to a negative rapid antigen test result (effective Friday 25 March).
  • Increasing the period in which a person previously infected with COVID is not considered a close contact from eight weeks to 12 weeks.
  • Changing mask requirements for people attending events at Adelaide Oval – masks only required when entering and exiting the oval, and in fully enclosed indoor areas.

The changes have been welcomed by local businesses, with detailed advice from SA Health available here.

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