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Close contact rules changed

Close contact rules changed

Is your business across the latest changes to COVID-19 close contact rules in South Australia?

Last week, SA Health issued revised advice around close contacts, reducing the period of immunity following a COVID-19 infection from 12 weeks to 28 days.

This means if you have previously tested positive to COVID-19, you will not be considered a close contact for 28 days after your isolation period ends.

After 28 days, however, you will be considered a close contact if you are re-exposed to COVID-19 and meet the close contact definition.

You will then need to follow SA Health’s close contact guidelines.

This applies to any COVID-positive person who visits or works in your office, venue, or workspace and will mean staff may be impacted.

Remember, if you are a close contact or have been tested for COVID-19, you must self-report to your manager – even if you are negative.

For more details and to keep up to date with SA Health’s latest COVID advice, visit the SA Health website.

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