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Entries open for 2022 SA Climate Leaders Awards

Entries open for 2022 SA Climate Leaders Awards

The SA Climate Leaders Awards are shining a light on action being taken by individuals, the community, research organisations, business and government to address climate change in South Australia.

An initiative of the Premier’s Climate Change Council, the awards showcase the innovative work happening across South Australia to grow the sustainability and resilience of our state through responding and adapting to climate change.

Enter by 19 August 2022 in the Business and Industry category.

You could be:

  • a business that is developing or leading the uptake of low carbon technologies within its industry or sector
  • a business that has developed technology, tools or expertise to help others to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to climate change or support South Australia’s low carbon transition
  • a business that has changed its production processes in response to climate change issues or opportunities
  • an individual involved in any of the above mentioned examples.

Projects can be big or small and the entry process is simple.

In 2020, AGIG won the Business and Industry category, for Australia’s largest hydrogen project, Hydrogen Park SA. Located in Tonsley, the plant produces green hydrogen from 100% renewable electricity and water, to supply to local households and industries.

Entries close COB Friday 19 August 2022.

The awards are an initiative of the Premier's Climate Change Council, the state government's key advisory body on climate change.

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