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Make meaningful change in your workplace with AutismWorks

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  • Make meaningful change in your workplace with AutismWorks
17th Nov 2023
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Make meaningful change in your workplace with AutismWorks

Are you an employer and unsure sure how to start building a more inclusive workplace for Autistic people?

The SA Government is championing inclusion in the workplace as part of its commitment to improving the lives of Autistic people and their families.

AutismWorks provides a comprehensive overview and free information guides on recruitment, interviews, inductions and workplace adjustments to help employers make meaningful change in supporting autistic strengths in the workplace.

Autistic employees can face challenges in the workplace due to the way their autism presents, the way tasks are communicated, and the physical environment.

If you’re looking at making your workplace more inclusive, AutismWorks outlines simple and easy to follow actions to help you build a more inclusive workplace:

  • Build knowledge, awareness and understanding through learning and training
  • Create sensory friendly environments by conducting an environmental audit of your workplace to create low sensory places
  • Communicate clearly by using clear, plain English. There are many different ways to communicate – neither is right or wrong.
  • Respectful curiosity encourages Autistic people to feel valued and appreciated as individuals
  • Start a roadmap and build on inclusive strategies that support Autistic and autism communities.

For more information, free resources and downloadable guides on how to implement simple strategies in your workplace, visit the ‘For Employers’ page on Autism Works.

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