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Nominate and celebrate SA's inspiring women

Nominate and celebrate SA's inspiring women

South Australians are being encouraged to nominate outstanding women who have made a significant contribution to their community in this year’s Inspiring South Australian Women’s Award.

Nominations are now open for the Inspiring South Australian Women’s Award which is jointly coordinated by the Australia Day Council of South Australia and funded by the Office for Women.

The Awards recognise the achievements of women who make a significant contribution to different areas of community life and nominations are open to women of all backgrounds and ages.

Part of the Australia Day Awards, the Inspiring South Australian Women’s Award is presented by Minister for Women Katrine Hildyard, herself a winner of this prestigious award in 2012.

There are two award categories, the Inspiring South Australian Women’s Award, and the Emerging Leader’s Award. A Commendation Award may also be awarded.

The nomination process is straight forward and requires completing five questions at – nominations close on October 31.

Please contact the Australia Day Council of SA on 8212 3999 or if you require help to submit a nomination.

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