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Additional financial support

Additional financial support to train and maintain a skilled workforce

Employing an apprentice or trainee can add real value to your business.

During this challenging time, the South Australian Government is offering businesses across the state that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, extra support to continue skills training.

Apprenticeships and traineeships are an effective way to introduce new knowledge, passion and ambition into your workforce. Helping to respond to the evolving needs of your business and industry, through Skilling South Australia, we have repositioned our initiatives to offer greater flexibility to better support you during this time, and help you rebuild and recover.

What’s available?

Businesses across South Australia can access extra support to continue skills training, with the following options now also available:

Employer Bonus Payment – Employers who take on a school-based flexible apprentice can potentially access up to $3,000 as a bonus payment.

Travel and accommodation allowance – If your business is in rural or regional South Australia, you can access allowances for travel and accommodation associated with hiring an apprentice or trainee.

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