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Initiatives for small business

Initiatives that support small businesses to grow and succeed

South Australia's Small Business Strategy identifies 20 initiatives that the South Australian Government are undertaking over the next three years to help address the themes identified by small businesses. Additional initiatives may be developed in future years until 2030 as the needs of small businesses change.

The following key initiatives will be implemented in collaboration with a broad range of partners, including local government, industry associations, chambers of commerce, not-for-profit organisations and private enterprises.

Initiatives to help you build a stronger future

Strengthening the capability of small businesses in South Australia.

Initiatives to help build a team to grow with you

Building the skills and workforce of small businesses in South Australia.

Helping your business in a digital world

Navigating the digital environment to boost business success.

Helping you create a greener future

Boosting the sustainability of businesses in South Australia.

Helping you support diversity in business

Embracing diversity across South Australia's business sector.

Helping you find what you need

Improving access to government services for small businesses.

Register to find out more information

If you're interested in a particular initiative or program within the Small Business Strategy, don't forget that you can register your details with us to receive more information as soon as its available.

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