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Don’t fall behind on your fringe benefits tax

Don’t fall behind on your fringe benefits tax

It’s that time of year again. The Australian Taxation Office lodgement deadlines for Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) is due soon.

If you have provided fringe benefits to your employees between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023, you need to lodge an FBT return by 21 May 2023. If you use a tax agent, you may have a different due date.

What is a fringe benefit? A fringe benefit is a payment to an employee, but in a different form to salary or wages. It can range from company cars for private use, paying for carparking or an employee’s gym membership, or provision of equipment so staff can work from home.

For more information or if you need help calculating your FBT, visit the ATO website.

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