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Family Business Conference kicks off in Adelaide

Family Business Conference kicks off in Adelaide

More than 350 delegates from across Australia and New Zealand converged in Adelaide for the 2023 Family Business Conference, an event that aims to educate and empower family business owners—bolstering their legacies to be celebrated by future generations.

Sponsored by the South Australian Government and held annually by the Family Business Association, the three-day conference included 40+ speakers, site visits to five local family businesses, networking events and a Women in Business breakfast.

Attendees were given the opportunity to meet and learn from one another, as well as hear from a curated program of speakers and leading industry professionals.

Acting CEO Andrea Moody said this year marked the 25th year since the Family Business Association began, helping to support local and national family owned and run businesses.

“Reaching this important milestone made us think about legacies and how to build, maintain and foster them through generations of family business,” she said.

“That’s why this year’s conference focused on inspiring and educating our members on the importance of legacy, and how it can help secure their businesses long into the future.”

Jessica McCabe-Moran, Managing Director of Gerard McCabe said the Family Business Conference enabled her to meet more people like her “who are thinking long term—not just quarter to quarter”.

“One of the great things about growing up in a family business is that you’re part of a team. We celebrate together, face challenges together, and have a shared vision for the future,” she said.

“At Gerard McCabe, we make a real effort to go to conferences and learn from leaders across all sectors.

“I’m always looking for the nugget of gold – just one or two great ideas to take back to the business.”

Family businesses are key to our nation’s economy, representing 67 per cent of all Australian businesses, providing 55 per cent of private sector employment, and accounting for 48 per cent of total private sector wages.

Visit the Family Business Conference for more information.

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