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Get support to make your workplace more accessible

Get support to make your workplace more accessible

Changes to the Employment Assistant Fund (EAF) will enable more employers to access new funding to make workplaces safer and more accessible.

The EAF provides employers with financial assistance for work-related modifications, including making adjustments to your physical workspace, purchasing equipment, Auslan interpreting services, disability awareness training, and more.

Under the changes, the annual funding cap for work-related Auslan interpreting services will double from $6000 to $12,000.

The building modifications cap will also double from $30,000 to $60,000 to help fund lifts, wheelchair accessible toilets, access ramps and automatic doors to remove workplace barriers.

The Federal Government will also scrap the requirement for funding applications to be made ahead of time for Auslan interpreters to be at job interviews and other activity including site visits, tests and information sessions. Instead, businesses can submit an application up to five business days post-interview.

Businesses that are interested in working out what modifications or equipment is needed can sign up for a free workplace assessment through the EAF. For more information and eligibility criteria, visit the Job Access website.

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