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Healthy Workplace Toolkit now available

5th Oct 2023
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Healthy Workplace Toolkit now available

On average, we will spend up to a third of our lives at work or 90,000 hours over our lifetime! So, it’s vital that we maintain a healthy, safe and supportive workplace to help everyone live healthier lives, increase productivity, and enhance job satisfaction.

The Healthy Workplaces Service’s Healthy Workplaces Toolkit can help you plan, action and evaluate your workplace health and wellbeing strategy.

It provides resources, templates and factsheets, as well as the latest evidence and a list of recommendations for the most health and wellbeing issues, from smoking, nutrition and alcohol to physical activity, sleep and fatigue and mental health.

The toolkit is free to download and will help you design and deliver strategies and programs to protect and promote worker health and create a healthy, safe and thriving workplace using the following steps:

  • Step 1: Get workplace leaders to commit – the most successful health and wellbeing programs are those which have support of leaders, including the business owner.
  • Step 2: Learn about your workplace – learn about your work environment and what your workers want.
  • Step 3: Involve your team – consult and involve people at every level of the business.
  • Step 4: Plan for action – set out what you’re going to do and structure your health and wellbeing activities.
  • Step 5: Monitor and evaluate – review the data captured through your programs and activities and make recommendations.
  • Step 6: Celebrate achievements and review – Celebrate your efforts and review any steps you’ve missed or action areas you’d like to revisit.

We all know that prevention is better than a cure. By working together and involving your team, you can identify health hazards and design a healthy and safe work environment that benefits all workers.

For more information or for guidance on using the toolkit, register your workplace on the Healthy Workplaces Service website or phone 8413 8299.

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