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Hear from South Australia’s Industry Advocate Ian Nightingale

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  • Hear from South Australia’s Industry Advocate Ian Nightingale

Hear from South Australia’s Industry Advocate Ian Nightingale

Are you ready to tender for government contracts? South Australia’s Industry Advocate Ian Nightingale explains in this short video what your business needs to do to tender for opportunities in State Government goods and services.

Small businesses looking to tender for South Australian Government contracts need to be aware of their obligations and the rules, South Australia’s Industry Advocate Ian Nightingale says.

“Government procurement is fairly structured. It needs to be fair for all parties,” he says. “Be careful to read the mandatory requirements of the tender, because if you don’t answer the mandatory requirements, it won’t be evaluated.”

Mr Nightingale recommends businesses that haven’t yet been a supplier to government should get to as many procurement workshops as possible.

“These events allow you to talk about your product. And on our website, there are training modules you can do called Ready to Tender.”

The first Ready to Tender event for 2023 is on 16 February, where businesses can hear from government and private sector panellists about government procurement and supplying to government, with a particular focus on the health industry. You can find out more and register via the link below.

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