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Support for small businesses in Whyalla

Support for small businesses in Whyalla

There is support available to help those who have experienced job loss, interruption to training, or business challenges associated with the reduced capacity of Whyalla’s steelworks.

The Office for Small and Family Business is expanding the Business Fundamentals Program currently offered by the RDA Eyre Peninsula (RDAEP) in Whyalla, providing greater access to financial, diversification, and other business advice.

This includes a new series of workshops for businesses to develop a capability statement, helping position themselves to compete for work on local projects.

  • Visit RDAEP to browse upcoming workshops, seek business mentoring, or access financial advisory services.
  • The Small Business Commissioner SA can help businesses with dispute resolution, such as seeking payment of unpaid invoices.

A reminder that free mental health and wellbeing support is available to all South Australian small business owners:

  • Master Builders Association 'RISE' Program: Small businesses in the construction industry can access free online mentoring and coaching support.
  • Mindarma: A free online mental health program for small businesses and their employees offering webinar events, an online learning platform and resources focused on mental wellness, with psychologist-led sessions and restorative practices.
  • Be Well Co: Supporting people to build their mental health and wellbeing through education, mental health literacy, and practical activities through masterclasses, workshops and online tools.

Career transition supports for impacted contractors, workers and apprentices are also available.

Not sure where to start?

Call the Office for Small and Family Business infoline to speak with a Business Support Officer.

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