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The nuts and bolts of cyber security

With the large-scale data breaches and cyber attacks making national news in recent weeks, it is clear that all businesses – no matter their size – must invest in cyber security to keep their business and customers safe.

Similar to the security measures a business puts in place to protect their physical property from theft and crime, investing time and resources into securing digital property is just as important.

But what actually is cybersecurity and what tools are available to get started?

Within the last two years, government agencies and organisations have released a large quantity of tools and resources to support businesses on their cyber security journey.

The Australian Cyber Security Centre define cyber security as putting measures in place to protect a business’ ‘confidentiality, integrity and availability of systems and devices, and the information residing on them’.

Put simply, putting in place measures to protect a business from a digital attack.

To assist small businesses in implementing such measures, below is a list of free tools and resources available to get started.

  1. Small Business Cyber Security Guide
    Australian Cyber Security Centre’s Small Business Cyber Security Guide has been developed to help businesses protect themselves from the most common cyber security incidents.
  2. Cybersecurity Toolkit for Small Business
    The Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre’s Cybersecurity Toolkit provides a range of tools and services to protect businesses from cyber threats.
  3. Cyber Clinics SA
    The Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre, AustCyber SA Node and the Department for Industry, Innovation and Science have partnered together to provide free 45-minute cyber consultations with an experienced cyber security advisor to discuss cyber security threats, risks, tools and the steps required to build a cyber-resilient business.
  4. ‘Have you been hacked?’ online tool
    Australian Cyber Security Centre’s ‘Have you been hacked?’ online tool provides advice about what to do if a business thinks they are the victim of a cybercrime.
  5. Have I been pwned? online tool
    Provides a search function to check whether an email or phone has been involved in a data breach.
  6. ‘How cyber secure are you?’ online quiz
    Australian Cyber Security Centre’s 3 minute survey to understand the gaps in a business’ cyber security.
  7. ReportCyber
    Report a cybercrime, incident or vulnerability via Australian Cyber Security Centre’s online reporting platform.

For more information on how to become more cyber secure, visit the Australian Cyber Security Centre.

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