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Top ten visited pages on the Business Hub

Top ten visited pages on the Business Hub

With the large quantity of information, advisory services and support available for small and family businesses, it can often be challenging to know where to start.

Business owners don’t always have the time to rummage through the countless emails received, events available and websites offered, as they juggle the demands of business and family life.

Being empowered with the right knowledge is an important factor in business success, and may just be the catalyst for reaching business goals sooner.

So far this financial year, the Business Hub has received a large volume of visitors looking to learn what support, services and tools exist for their businesses.

Here are the pages most visited:

  1. Grant programs
    Guidelines, criteria and application processes for a range of South Australian programs.
  2. Covid-19
    Interested in COVID-19 information for businesses? Visit
  3. Starting your business
    Practical advice and information to help start a business.
  4. Funding
    Explore opportunities to grow with government and private sector support.
  5. Regional Jobs Support and Incentive Program
    Applications have now closed for this program.
  6. Before you start
    What to prepare before starting a new business.
  7. Translation services
  8. Advisory and support services
    Agencies and organisations that can provide business advice services.
  9. Tools
    Practical information to assist in starting, running and growing a business.
  10. Services
    Provides support and advice required for small and family businesses.
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