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Upcoming single-use plastic bans in SA

Upcoming single-use plastic bans in SA

Do you sell takeaway food or hot or cold beverages?

Under South Australia’s Single-use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Act 2020 more single-use plastic products will be banned from sale or distribution on 1 September 2024.

Businesses are encouraged to choose sustainable alternatives and to use up existing stock of soon-to-be-banned items.

Single-use plastic products to be banned

From Sunday, 1 September 2024, the following single-use plastic products will be banned from sale or distribution in South Australia:

  • Plastic barrier bags – also known as produce bags or bags without handles which are used to contain and protect unpackaged produce, nuts and confectionery.
  • Thick supermarket or boutique-style plastic bags – including heavyweight film plastic shopping bags, plastic-laminated paper shopping bags and plastic-laminated cardboard shopping bags.
  • Expanded polystyrene (EPS) consumer food containers – including gelato tubs, cake boxes and meat and fruit trays.
  • Plastic food bag tags including those that are intended to hold food including bread bags, produce bags and rice cakes.
  • Plastic beverage containers, including coffee cups, their lids and beverage plugs.
  • Plastic confetti will be phased out.

Certified compostable ‘bioplastic’ food and beverage containers are a great alternative, as well as certified compostable bags. All food scraps can go in the green bin, which is then processed into a highly sought after compost by South Australian farmers, growers, and the wine industry.

Why are these changes being made?

Phasing out single-use plastics is an important step towards reducing carbon emissions and protecting marine species.

Without action, the annual flow of plastic into the ocean alone will nearly triple by 2040 to 29 million metric tonnes per year, the equivalent of 50 kilograms of plastic for every metre of coastline worldwide.

What are the alternatives for banned single-use plastic containers?

Replace the Waste has developed a library of reusable or compostable alternatives to banned items.

For more information or advice, visit Replace the Waste or phone 08 8204 2051.

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