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Wellbeing and mental health support for SA’s construction industry

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Wellbeing and mental health support for SA’s construction industry

We learnt from our state-wide small business engagement that mental health and wellbeing is impacting business owners and that they don't feel equipped or trained to manage the mental health of employees.

This concern is further exacerbated in the construction industry, dominated by small businesses and subcontractors, where people report issues like poor work-life balance, financial stress, and pressure to get the job done.

Workers are also six times more likely to die from suicide than a workplace accident.

To provide support, we have partnered with the Master Builders Association (MBA) to deliver the Building and Construction Mental Health Support Program.

This state government funded program aims to reduce the prevalence of mental health illness and suicide in the construction industry.

Delivered through a $150,000 government grant, the program will appoint wellness ambassadors to help business owners and workers navigate common pressures associated with working in construction.

Ambassadors will receive Mental Health First Aid Training to ensure they are well prepared in providing early intervention and increasing awareness support.

In cases where specific or critical mental health help is required, participants will be referred to specialist organisations or services like Mates in Construction, as well as the Healthy Workplaces Service - a free information and support service available to all South Australian businesses.

The program will launch in July.

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