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Restrictions imposed on South Australian businesses

Restrictions imposed on South Australian businesses

Latest updates on Small Business Grant, if your business is listed as an exposure site and how to support employees

A reminder to all that South Australians are required to stay home, with all businesses except those providing essential services to temporarily close in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

For the latest health advice, including exposure locations, visit SA Health.

Register your interest for a Small Business Grant

South Australian small and medium-sized businesses forced to close as a result of the state’s seven day lockdown may be eligible for a $3,000 emergency cash grant from the Government of South Australia.

Small businesses who don't employ staff (ie. sole traders) may be eligible for $1000.

Register your interest in the Small Business Grant program via the SA Treasury website.
Alternatively, you can email

What happens if my business is listed as a COVID-19 exposure site?

As SA Health identifies COVID-19 cases in South Australia, some businesses are being named as exposure locations to help members of the public quickly identify whether there is a risk they have been exposed to COVID-19.

SA Health makes every effort to contact businesses prior to adding exposure locations to the website and releasing publicly, however this is not always possible. As the situation continues to evolve, the health and safety of the South Australia community is the number one priority.

If your business is listed as a COVID-19 exposure location, but you have not yet been contacted by SA Health, please immediately close the business (if not already required to under level 5 restrictions) and send staff home.

SA Health will be in contact as soon as possible to provide information about necessary cleaning, as well as staff testing and quarantine requirements. For the latest list of exposure sites, visit

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