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Mental health and wellbeing

Looking after yourself and your employees

Taking steps to boost your mental health and maintaining a healthy workplace is good for you, your staff and your bottom line.

Most small business owners share a positive attitude and can-do approach which keeps you motivated and upbeat, even during the tough times.

But managing employees and suppliers, long hours, unpredictable cashflow – not to mention the COVID-19 pandemic – can all take a toll.

Some stress in your work is pretty typical, but if you’re feeling anxious or depressed and struggling to sleep or maintain good relationships with staff, customers, family and friends – it’s time to take action.

Try these ideas to boost your mental wellbeing

  • Try for a healthy work-life balance, making time for family and friends and activities you enjoy.
  • Get into a regular exercise routine to ease your stress and boost your energy.
  • Eat well and get enough sleep.
  • Say ‘’no’ once in a while so you’re not over-committed.
  • Plan ahead of time, so you’re prepared for future events.
  • Find ways to relax and unwind – try meditation, listening to music or breathing techniques.
If these strategies aren’t helping, it might be time to talk to someone.

There’s no shame in asking for support and you’re not alone - one in five Australians experience a mental health condition during their lifetime.

A good starting point is talking to your GP. They can help you work out what’s going on and if you need treatment or other counselling services.

SA helplines and health service directories

Healthy workplaces

Building a healthy, safe and thriving workplace benefits everyone.

If you employ staff, they are likely to be more productive and have fewer sick days.

Healthy workplaces are resilient, attract and keep staff, and prevent workplace issues from arising or address them early.

Mental health and wellbeing resources

There are also many free resources specifically designed for small businesses to help look after you and your employees’ mental health.


Beyond Blue’s mental health coaching service

Beyond Blue’s NewAccess mental health coaching is a guided 6-session self-help program designed to give you the skills to manage everyday life stresses.
Business health

My Business Health

Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman’s My Business Health gives you easy access to tools, templates and tips to manage your health and wellbeing.
Healthy workplace

Become a healthy workplace

Do you employ staff? Learn more about how you can create a healthy, safe and thriving workplace.
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Brain Food

Explore Mindarma’s continuous learning platform for mindfulness activities, podcasts, research, quotes, videos, books, events and articles.

Wellbeing SA

Wellbeing SA is the state government agency focused on prevention and supporting the physical, mental and social wellbeing of all South Australians.

Beyond Blue’s Heads Up platform

A central source of information, tools and resources to better mental health in your workplace.

The Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance

A national initiative that promotes and creates mentally healthy workplaces.
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