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Build a solid foundation for your family business

Build a solid foundation for your family business

Family businesses can now take part in heavily subsidised workshops to learn more about governance, succession planning and legal considerations.

The 3-hour workshops, part of the Small Business Fundamentals Program funded by the Office for Small and Family Business, are delivered by the Family Business Association in-person and online and will help you:

  • navigate governance structures, systems and processes
  • plan for future leadership through succession
  • understand legal risks and liabilities.

Specifically tailored to the unique needs of family businesses, the workshops focus on core family business fundamentals, providing you with practical knowledge that’s critical to improve business processes and drive sustainable growth for generations, no matter your stage in business.

What participants say about the program

“The workshop was facilitated brilliantly! Highly relevant and thought provoking. Something that I would recommend if you are an owner or senior member of a family business.”

Brett Miller - Governance workshop participant

“Because we are just starting to think about these issues, the 3-hour session was a great introduction.”

Sharon Sutton - Governance workshop participant

“I found this workshop to be vital as we look at taking our 7th generation (156-year-old company) into the future as more family members come on board. The workshop has given me the skills and confidence to start to develop succession plans to ensure the protection of our family business and the next generation.”

Tom Whittenbury - Succession workshop participant

“Enjoyed the workshop & the facilitators knowledge & presentation skills.”

Craig Amor - Legal Considerations workshop participant

More information and registration

The next workshop on Governance in Family Business will be held on Wednesday, 31 July.

Visit the Family Business Association website to learn more about the workshop series and to sign up.

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