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Indigenous Business Month: Actions today, impact tomorrow

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Indigenous Business Month: Actions today, impact tomorrow

First Nations business owners and their non-Indigenous allies have gathered online and in the community to celebrate Indigenous Business Month.

In its eighth year, organisers have called upon First Nations business entrepreneurs and leaders to look at how their actions today will impact the future and generations to come.

In South Australia, there are around 750 registered Aboriginal business owners in industries including law, construction, management, project services, catering, art and many more, who contribute to our state's economy each day.

Indigenous-owned businesses can access support from The Circle - First Nations Entrepreneur Hub (the Circle) at Lot Fourteen, an initiative of the South Australian and Australian Governments.

This year the Circle will be celebrating Indigenous Business Month by hosting a business showcase, connecting First Nations businesses with buyers from industry, all levels of Government and non-Government organisations.

Scheduled for Thursday, 27 October at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre, the event aims to provide an opportunity for buyers to learn more about the capacity and capability of a thriving First Nations Businesses sector.

To register for the First Nations Business Showcase or to get behind South Australian Indigenous businesses by learning more about Indigenous Business Month, follow the links below.

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