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New Small Business Commissioner appointed

New Small Business Commissioner appointed

The South Australian Government has appointed a new Small Business Commissioner to listen to and voice the views and experiences of small business operators across the state.

After acting in the role since September 2021, Nerissa Kilvert has been formally appointed to the role for a three-year term, and brings significant leadership experience.

Minister for Small and Family Business, Andrea Michaels, said it was “an important appointment for the small business sector and coincides with the South Australian Government’s Small Business campaign which encourages the community to go out and support small business”.

Since she started acting in the role in September, Nerissa has instigated a strong strategic direction for the office that focuses on delivering a fast and fair alternative dispute resolution service for South Australian small business operators and providing advice to government to inform and improve its policies and services.

About the Small Business Commissioner’s Office

The South Australian Small Business Commissioner (SASBC) is an independent statutory officer, created in March 2012 to assist small business operators in South Australia resolve disputes with other business operators and/or state and local government.

Small businesses need a competitive and fair operating environment to grow. The Small Business Commissioner provides independent advice to the Government to inform policy change and improve services affecting the small business sector.

The role of the office includes:

  • Facilitating alternative dispute resolution processes between small businesses, and between small businesses and state or local government.
  • Advocating on behalf of the small business community, or a section of it, regarding collective issues.
  • Collaborating with stakeholders and engaging with small businesses to provide information and guidance.
  • Regulating aspects of small business operation through the administration and enforcement of legislative powers and responsibilities assigned to the Small Business Commissioner

About the Commissioner

Nerissa has significant leadership experience and management expertise. Her previous experience includes heading up the Regulatory Services section of Consumer and Business Services within the Attorney-General’s Department, where she provided strategic leadership and management of the division’s regulatory, policy and legislative reform responsibilities.

Nerissa has experience working successfully with ministers, senior officials, government agencies, local councils, and a diverse range of other stakeholders, including representatives of the hospitality, building, tenancy, retail, legal and not-for-profit sectors.

Nerissa has a Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice and is admitted to practice as a solicitor and barrister of the Supreme Court of South Australia and the High Court of Australia. She has completed a Bachelor of Behavioural Science and a Diploma in Project Management. Nerissa has also worked as a solicitor at the Crown Solicitor’s Office and in private practice, as well as in roles at the Office of the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, the District Court of South Australia and Adelaide Magistrates Court Advice Clinic.

Collaboration and engagement

A key focus of the Strategic Plan implemented by the Commissioner relates to engaging with small businesses operators to understand their views and experiences and collaborating with stakeholders to provide a solutions focused service to the small business sector.

The Commissioner welcomes opportunities to share information about the assistance and services offered by the Office and the South Australian Small Business Commissioner and regularly attends and speaks at meetings, presentations, functions and educational workshops. If you have a request for the Commissioner to attend your event or function, please request via the SASBC website.

For more information about the Office of the South Australian Small Business Commissioner and how we can help your small business please visit the SASBC website.

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