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Occupation list for skilled migrants

Occupation list for skilled migrants

The occupation list for skilled migrants has increased to over 500 occupations to address skills and labour shortages facing some South Australian businesses.

The South Australian Government is also making changes to state regulations for those on the Safe Haven Enterprise Visa (SHEV) so there are more pathways to permanent residency.

SHEV holders will now be eligible for either provisional or permanent residency based on the work experience they have already gained in South Australia providing they comply with the Commonwealth’s requirements.

The 2022-23 program will prioritise health, ICT, education, engineering, agribusiness, hi-tech / digital, green energy, defence, space and cyber security.

The state’s role is to nominate migrants who are already living and working in South Australia - to retain those with in-demand skills - as well as nominating migrants from overseas with the skills to fill critical shortages.

Once a migrant with the relevant skills and experience has been nominated by the South Australian Government, they are able to submit a visa application to the Australian Government’s Department of Home Affairs.

Visit to view the Skilled Occupations List, and for further information on skilled migration into South Australia.

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