Kylie Cocks,
Preventive Health SA
Kylie Cocks is the Acting Program Manager for Healthy Workplaces at Preventive Health SA. With a rich and diverse career spanning two decades, she has become one of the leading authorities in workplace health and wellbeing, demonstrating her passion for fostering healthier work environments.
Before focusing on workplace health, she spent years as a skilled registered nurse. This background provides her with a unique perspective on promoting health and wellbeing in the workplace. For the past nine years, she has specialised in the dynamic field of workplace health, with a total of 20+ years of experience in health promotion. One of Kylie's proudest achievements is her pivotal role in driving positive, system-wide change through her involvement in the South Australian Collaborative Partnership for Workplace Health and Wellbeing. Her relentless dedication has resulted in the development of a comprehensive suite of resources designed to empower South Australian workplaces to become healthier, safer, and create thriving environments for their employees.