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Victoria Halliday 007 A7309 Edit 4

Victoria Halliday,
Ai Group Workplace Lawyers

Head of Legal & Consulting

Victoria Halliday is the Head of Legal & Consulting at Ai Group Workplace Lawyers, a leading provider of workplace relations legal and consulting services.  A commercial service within the Australian Industry Group, a peak national employer organisation, Victoria leads a national team of workplace relations lawyers and consultants working with employers to solve complex problems arising in the workplace.

Victoria commenced her career as an employment lawyer at Mallesons in Melbourne before moving to Freehills and then overseas to London.  She has significant experience in providing employment legal advice across industry, having worked at Telstra, Credit Suisse, Apple and BAE Systems.

After 13 years in London, including time spent leading BAE Systems’ global employment legal team, Victoria returned to Australia with BAE Systems where she performed a mix of HR, ER and employment legal roles, including a period as the Acting Chief People Officer.

She commenced in her role at Ai Group Workplace Lawyers in early 2022.

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