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9 quick and easy ways to tackle stress and overwhelm

27th Mar 2025
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9 quick and easy ways to tackle stress and overwhelm

As a small business owner, it can feel like there’s never enough time in the day to juggle all the jobs on the list - let alone taking some time out to take care of your own wellbeing.

Bel Ryan, Founder of Ignite Wellbeing Co shares nine simple actions that you can practice in those fleeting moments you get to yourself, whether it's waiting for the kettle to boil, in line for your coffee order, on your way to work, or when you’re on the phone.

For more easy strategies to improve your mental health and wellbeing, specifically created for small and family business owners join Bel and a network of other business owners for an Ignite Wellbeing Masterclass in April or May.

  1. Get outside: Have lunch in the park or take a phone call in the sun - nature is a great healer.
  2. Walk and talk: Take your next meeting for a stroll. Amazing ideas come when you are moving.
  3. Shut the door: Even the most connected leader needs time alone without disruptions. Set aside closed-door time each day.
  4. Watch the clock: Everybody has a time of the day they work best - find yours and block it out for the tasks that you need energy or concentration for.
  5. Switch off: You don’t need to respond to everything immediately - turn off your email notifications, remove work emails from your phone, set DND times to avoid overwhelming distractions.
  6. Breathe deep: Take five deep breaths into your belly or practice box breathing whilst you’re waiting for your coffee or the kettle to boil.
  7. Stand and deliver: Switching between sitting and standing with a standing desk or adjustable workstation improves circulation, energy, and concentration.8.
  8. Snack right - Fill your desk drawer with healthy snacks that give long lasting energy instead of short-lived sugar highs. And water. Lots of it.
  9. Transition intentionally: Pick a point on your journey (a certain spot on the road, when you pull into the garage, as you pass from the hallway into the kitchen) where home or work get left behind. Bonus points if you create a transition routine, changing your clothes, having a shower, listening to a different radio station or podcast, making your bed - be creative.
  10. Bonus tip: Make time for yourself, even if you need to justify it as networking or professional development. Remember you can’t carry everyone else if you’re not feeling strong.

About Ignite Wellbeing Co.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Program delivery partner, Ignite Wellbeing Co, is delivering a series of interactive and engaging workshops across metropolitan and regional South Australia.

Addressing the unique challenges of small and family business, you will have the opportunity to access professional guidance and support, as well as collaborating and networking with other likeminded people to find solutions, strategies, tools and approaches to reducing feelings of overwhelm, resentment, fear, and mental exhaustion.

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