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Building resilience during drought - support for small business owners

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Building resilience during drought - support for small business owners

Drought brings profound and multifaceted challenges to our regional and rural communities.

For the small business owners who rely on agriculture, the effects are particularly acute. Loss of income and job cuts, increased debt and heightened workloads can bring additional stress, anxiety, physical fatigue and emotional burnout.

The mental health impacts aren’t just felt by business owners themselves – employees and their families also feel the ripple effects from heightened financial pressures.

Looking after your mental health and wellbeing of your staff, as well as yourself

Recognising the emotional challenges that drought brings is the first step in managing the broader impact. The good news is that help is available through our Mental Health and Wellbeing Program.

Under the program, you can take advantage of workshops, online sessions, resources and tailored support offered through our delivery partners to help you navigate difficult times.

Support available includes:

1. One-on-one and group support from Regional Development Australia Murray and Riverlands

Small business owners can access free, personalised mental health support through two formats:

  • One-on-one support: A mental health professional can visit you at a location and time convenient to you to discuss specific challenges in a private setting.
  • Group sessions: RDA also offer group sessions on topics you are concerned about and provide practical solutions to create a more resilient workplace.

2. Workshops and online check-in sessions from Ignite Wellbeing Co.

Ignite Wellbeing Co. aims to break the stigma surrounding mental health in small and family-owned businesses, helping to shift this mindset by providing tailored sessions for mental wellbeing through workshops and online classes.

With upcoming sessions in Yankalilla, Mt Barker and Yorke Peninsula, as well as online check-in sessions, support is available to help you explore ways to support your wellbeing and that of your team or employees.

3. Online platform for mental health education, delivered by Mindarma

Access a suite of online resources and evidence-based strategies, including e-learning modules, articles and webinar events covering topics such as sleep, nutrition, financial wellbeing, and more. Resources are available free of charge, anytime, anywhere, making them a convenient for small business owners to take care of their mental health and build resilience at their own pace. Register here.

4. Access workshops and build your own wellbeing habits plan with Be Well Co

Discover the importance of building a supportive workplace culture for mental health wellbeing or explore psychosocial hazards or build your own wellbeing habits plan and embed activities into your work routine through masterclasses and workshops. Explore upcoming sessions.

Support our farmers – ‘Just a Farmer’ charity screening

To support our farmers and rural communities experiencing tough times, a fundraising event for the RBS Relief Fund is being held on Wednesday, 9 April from 6:30-9:00pm at the Capri Theatre in Goodwood.

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