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Stay Cyber safe this festive season

Stay Cyber safe this festive season

With many small businesses experiencing an increase in trade during the festive season, it's a good time to consider what you can do to step up your cyber security.

The South Australian Government is helping small businesses to manage their cyber risks and protect their staff, customers and operations through the Small Business Cyber Uplift Program (CUSP).

Delivered in partnership with the Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre, the program offers affordable cyber security education and support to help you develop the skills and knowledge to implement cyber security measures quickly and efficiently.

For a contribution fee of $500, participating business can get access to:

  • One-on-one consultations with a cyber coach
  • Personalised roadmap
  • Online training and tools
  • Workshops and networking events.

The Federal Government has also launched the Cyber Wardens Program which provides small businesses with training for their staff. Cyber Wardens is an online version of workplace safety officers who can prevent and protect small businesses against digital threats by rolling out simple and easy preventive actions.

For more information or to sign up, visit the Cyber Wardens website.

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