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20 initiatives to support South Australian businesses

20 initiatives to support South Australian businesses

The South Australian Small Business Strategy has been launched today, designed to help you adapt, grow and succeed in your business.

South Australia’s Small Business Strategy 2023-2030 has 20 initiatives that will support and empower businesses to respond to challenges, recover from adversity, and take advantage of new opportunities.

Several support programs are available now:

Women in Business

There is tailored support available for women starting, running and growing their businesses.

Visit Women in Business.

Cyber Uplift Step Program

Cyber security is an area of concern for many South Australian small businesses, and you have asked for help to implement cyber safe systems and practices.

The Cyber Uplift Step Program (CUSP) is designed to do just that, empowering small business owners with precise steps and actionable measures to secure your organisation in the digital realm.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Program for construction

Free mental health support for our state’s workers and small businesses in the construction industry, in partnership with Master Builders Australia - South Australia.

Explore the RISE program now.

Business Support Officers

Small business owners can access one-on-one support through a dedicated Small Business Support Officer in your region.

Available across metropolitan and regional South Australia, Small Business Support Officers will provide a tailored service to equip you with information, support and resources to start, run or grow your business.

Your Small Business Support Officer can help you do things like:

  • Navigate government support services
  • Connect with resources within your local area
  • Talk through available grants and funding
  • Uncover tools and resources that help your day-to-day.

Find your zone and connect with us.

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