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Women in Business - Christina Paxon, Lymphoedema Wellness

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  • Women in Business - Christina Paxon, Lymphoedema Wellness

Women in Business - Christina Paxon, Lymphoedema Wellness

A registered nurse and midwife, Christina Paxon retrained to be a lymphoedema therapist and opened her own business, Lymphoedema Wellness, last year. She helps women who have had breast cancer and lymphoedema, a swelling that occurs when the lymph nodes are blocked, through massage and education about how to manage and overcome the symptoms. Christina is focused on working with the women she sees to help them set realistic goals to self-manage their health.

Christina sought out the Women in Business Program to help her gain the fundamentals she needed as a first time business owner, and found it full of practical tips she could use to help build her business. She aspires to grow Lymphoedema Wellness, building her client base and adding other treatment options including laser and kinesiology taping.

For Christina, helping women who have been through breast cancer and supporting them, growing a community and finding a way they can create wellness together is a driving force behind her and her business. Through the Women in Business Program, she was able to find the tools she needed to continue doing this, as well as so many ideas for her business she had never even considered before. Find out more about her journey.

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