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What’s on at the Small Business Expo

What’s on at the Small Business Expo

Join us at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre on Thursday 2 May for a free full-day, immersive professional development program during the Small Business Week Expo.

Renowned economic journalist Alan Kohler will open proceedings with a keynote speech, followed by presentations and panel discussions from subject matter experts across business, industry associations and government.

Your full-day Expo ticket gives you access to all of the following keynote presentations and panel discussions on key topics critical to small business success.

  1. 'Small Business and the Economy' Keynote presented by Alan Kohler AM
  2. 'Supply to Government - Goods and Services sector' Panel discussion
  3. Small Business Health and Wellbeing, presented by Preventive Health SA, ReturnToWorkSA, and SafeWork SA
  4. 'Building Robust Construction Businesses in Challenging Times' Panel discussion
  5. 'Recruitment: Attract and Retain the Right People to your Business' Keynote presentation followed by a panel session
  6. 'Essential Psychological Skills for Small Business' Keynote presentation
  7. 'Environmental sustainability - supporting Small Businesses to take the first step' Keynote presentation
  8. 'Trade opportunities at our doorstep - a Southeast Asia market update' Keynote presentation
  9. 'Business Now - Unpacking South Australia's Business Confidence and Conditions' Keynote presentation

With sessions across topics including health and wellbeing, recruitment, environmental sustainability, trade opportunities and much more, this free expo is not to be missed!

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