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Spend 5 minutes to future ready your business

Spend 5 minutes to future ready your business

Are you a grape and wine business owner, manager, operator or employee in South Australia?

Resilient Ready is delivering a free program to help small businesses to upskill and build their knowledge to future ready their business to disasters.

Disasters and disruptions are diverse and can include bushfires, floods, storms, power outages and cyber-attacks.

By signing up to the free program, you can access:

  • 10 x 5-minute e-learning modules on topics like insurance, financial hardship, supply chains and engaging with emergency services. Pick and choose topics and create your own personalised toolkit.
  • Weekly online ‘check-in’ sessions on Thursdays at 1pm to connect with business peers, industry experts and Resilient Ready to build connections with others experiencing similar challenges to you.
  • Videos of businesses from the grape and wine industry sharing their lived experiences.

Program registrations are now open and the program runs from 10 September to 12 November 2024.

For more information and to sign up, visit Resilience Ready.

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